
Digia helps City of Helsinki to experiment with AI

Written by Digia | 10/16/24 4:40 AM

Kokeilukiihdyttämö (“The Experiment Accelerator”) is a service for City of Helsinki employees, where new ideas, especially those utilizing digitalization, are taken to agile experimentation. The goal is to learn from the experiments to develop the city's services and operations. The theme for the rest of the year is data-driven management. Ideas related to data utilization and artificial intelligence have been specifically sought for experimentation.

The role of corporate partners is to mentor and support the implementation of the experiments. Digia was selected as a corporate partner for two experiments.

In the first experiment, the goal is to improve the accuracy of the public areas registry data. The public areas registry is a system that contains information about the city's streets and green areas. Currently, the system contains partially outdated or otherwise incorrect information. The purpose of the experiment is to test whether AI can be trained to compare the registry data with various image materials and report incorrect information.

In the second experiment, the aim is to build a predictive model that would proactively detect subtle signals of excessive workload among caregivers. This way, the increase in workload could be addressed in time, and the resulting sick leaves could be reduced. Prediction would help improve service quality and balance the costs arising from sick leaves and substitute arrangements.

"It is great to be involved in bringing AI to assist with everyday pain points in an innovative, concrete, and practical way," says Minna Häkämies from Digia.

"It is exciting to see how AI can be utilized in many different ways to improve city services. Through the experiments, we gain valuable information on how data and AI can be used to solve the city's challenges more effectively. Our corporate partners, like Digia, play a key role in the implementation of these experiments: they bring expertise in technology, data, and AI utilization," says Ville Meloni, project manager responsible for the Experiment Accelerator at the City of Helsinki.

Summaries and final reports of Kokeilukiihdyttämö experiments can be found in the Experiment Gallery (in Finnish).

Agile experiments to boost AI utilization! Digia assists using a productized and tested AI Proof-of-Concept model (in Finnish).

More information:

Ville Meloni
Project manager, City of Helsinki
tel. 040 026 0000

Minna Häkämies
Head of Data Insight, Digia
tel. 0405166108