
Pasi Ropponen to take responsibility of sales and marketing as a member of Digia's Management Team – The company’s transformation journey continues

Written by Digia | 2/7/22 8:15 AM

Digia’s strategy period 2020–2022 has been an era of renewal, and the recent appointment is part of this transformation journey.

“Digital services are sold above all in terms of value creation, which requires a holistic view. Pasi has a strong expertise in both sales and business management. He is joining Digia to lead sales and marketing, but also to develop Digia together with the management team. That is our way of working,” says Timo Levoranta, CEO of Digia.

“During the current strategy period we have made various investments in future growth. Experience, fresh ideas and broad views in business management are important factors in business transformation. It is too easy to settle for and remain stuck in our old ways. Pasi is the third addition to Digia’s management team over the past year. I believe that the right combination of old and new is the best way to take Digia to the next level. Welcome aboard, Pasi!” Levoranta says.

Meeting customer demand is crucial for growth

At the heart of Digia’s strategy is growth creation, and Ropponen is looking forward to be part of it. He believes that Digia has what it takes to meet current customer demand.

“The digitalisation of companies’ and public organizations’ services is accelerating. The design of digital services, business oriented utilization of data, and cloud technologies as development and operating platforms are becoming commonplace. I see customer demand growing in the direction in which Digia’s offering has been purposefully developed in recent years. The offering covers the different layers of digitalisation and as I see it, it is in good shape,” says Ropponen.

“This has been proven by the numerous customer implementations of recent years, and it is great to get to build new success stories together with customers,” he adds.

Ropponen sees Digia as a company whose image, customers and expertise are “very good”.

“I have been following Digia’s success story with great interest. The strategy period is changing for next year, so it is an exciting moment to jump in to create growth with a skilled group of experts,” Ropponen concludes.

Further information:
Timo Levoranta
President and CEO, Digia Plc
Tel. +358 (0)40 500 2050

Pasi Ropponen
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Digia Plc (Starts no later than May 1)
Tel. +358 (0)40 710 8658


Info: Pasi Ropponen

  • Previous roles:
    • 2012–2022 Siili Solutions Oyj
      • Acting CEO 8/2021–1/2022
      • Various sales and business management responsibilities
    • 2006–2012 Trainers’ House
      • 1/2008–7/2011 Sales Director, Ignis (Subsidiary of Trainers' House)
      • Sales management and consulting duties in different roles
  • Positions of responsibility
    • 2020 —, HY+ Oy, Board Member
  • Education: Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Born: 20 November 1973
  • Place of residence: Espoo
  • Family: Wife, two daughters (21 and 15) and a dog
  • Starting at Digia by 1 May 2022 as a member of the Management Team in the role of Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing.