
Aiming for a carbon-neutral Digia by 2030 – our climate roadmap gives us an action plan to achieve our climate objectives

Written by Digia | 2/7/22 11:49 AM

Digia published its updated corporate responsibility focus areas and objectives in early 2021. As part of this, we also published our carbon handprint calculations for 2019 and 2020 and compensated for the emissions from our own operations in 2020. The calculations cover all of Digia Finland Oy’s operating premises and employees.

Now our environmental responsibility will be supplemented with clearly defined climate objectives:

  • Digia’s own operations are carbon-neutral from 2020 onwards.
  • Digia’s entire value chain will be carbon-neutral by 2030.
  • We will reduce our emissions by 75% from 2019 to 2030.
  • We will compensate for the remaining emissions (25%) using reliable methods.

Our own operations, belonging to scope 2 of the GHG Protocol, include emissions from heating, cooling and the data centres in the company’s own use. Our complete value chain, belonging to scope 2 and 3 of the GHG Protocol, includes waste management, commuting, equipment procurement, other procurements and equipment recycling in addition to energy consumption. The targets have been set in relation to Digia’s current carbon footprint and will be further adjusted if necessary, accounting for factors such as the company’s future growth.

To help us achieve our climate objectives, we created a climate roadmap in 2021, which gives us an action plan for reducing our emissions. It involves achieving emission reductions in areas such as operating premises, travel and procurements. In addition to our work on the climate roadmap, we have also updated our environmental policy.

“Though, as an IT company, our carbon footprint is relatively small in comparison to organisations in many other industries, we still have the opportunity and responsibility to reduce our emissions and reduce our impact on the environment. Our extensive work on the climate roadmap during 2021 helped us better understand where our emissions come from and what measures we can take to effectively reduce them. On the other hand, it also told us what areas we have taken effective steps in previously. Our employees were also an active part of this process and participated in coming up with practical measures alongside our partner, Positive Impact. The measures outlined in the plan start in 2022,” says Pia Huhdanmäki, Senior Vice President, HR, Culture and Sustainability.

“Digia also occupies a key position when it comes to reconciling our society’s functions with our climate and environment’s ability to bear the load placed on them. Digitalisation solutions can help us slow climate change by, for example, improving energy and material efficiency or increasing the efficiency of distribution. Solutions like these also make up the climate value Digia produces for its customers – our carbon handprint,” Huhdanmäki adds.

Digia will publish a calculation of its carbon footprint for 2021 as part of its annual report on 24 February 2022. As last year, we will be compensating for the carbon footprint of our own operations by funding peatland restoration efforts through Hiilipörssi. We will also be expanding on the areas of our corporate responsibility as part of our annual reporting.

Further information:

Pia Huhdanmäki
Senior Vice President, HR, Culture and Sustainability, Digia Plc
+358 400 970 413