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Change leadership

In strategically significant change projects, it is important to ensure that the company personnel understand and accept the change. A strong and attractive change vision can even get people excited about it.

Ensure success by leading change

Digitalisation and globalisation keep increasing the pressure to change and the speed of change. Most companies are in the middle of numerous simultaneous change processes. However, not all of them are consciously initiated and managed projects.

When you want to ensure success in significant strategic development projects, it is worth investing in proper change leadership. This means looking at how the change affects different parts of your organisation, and leading the people and culture, as well as managing the structural reorganisation.

If you embark on a big change journey with a structures-first approach, by putting instructions and official control models ahead of people, you are unlikely to achieve readiness for change across the company.

Strong change leadership is based on understanding people and culture, and it strives to influence both. This requires specialised knowledge and fresh communication and management methods.

peopls in a meeting room

A versatile toolkit for change management

Successful change management is based on employee participation. At Digia, we utilise design thinking and inclusive working methods that focus on solving practical challenges for the personnel. This also helps create a change vision and appropriate messages that can be utilised in change communication.

The language and messages used in change communication are a means of guiding conversation in the desired direction. If the change is addressed as a structural reorganisation, it can feel impersonal and can make people impassive. Indifference to change can be even more harmful than actual resistance to change.

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Niko Grandell

Delivery Group Director