From current state analysis to seamless service model
The collaboration began with a Well Architect review, which identified the essential development areas related to data security, cost optimisation and reliability of the Azure environment. Based on the review, the State Treasury decided to choose the Digia Managed Cloud service as the environmental maintenance solution, the operating models of which were tailored through joint workshops to meet the State Treasury's needs so that the service seamlessly supports the work of the agile development team that takes care of the platform's application and service development. The State Treasury acts as the product owner of the service, and close dialogue is ongoing between the various parties.
"We appreciate that Digia actively highlights the development areas it has identified and takes a stand on them," says Olli Ahonen, Deputy Director of the Division.
"It is important for us to have a close partnership where the partner plays an active role in keeping the service up-to-date and identifying development needs."