Continuing with the Microsoft product family was a natural choice for Kuopion Energia
“We’d already carried out a comprehensive analysis of both technologies and partners in conjunction with the previous overhaul. It was a natural choice for us to continue with the Microsoft product family and introduce its latest solution,” says Eliisa Säntti, CFO at Kuopion Energia.
The project implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and the ExFlow purchase invoice recycling system. The integrations employed Microsoft Logic Apps technology. This solution will enable Kuopion Energia to utilise modern, state-of-the-art cloud technology and an up-to-date system without any major upgrade projects.
Continuing to cooperate with Digia was also an easy choice.
“Digia has always kept its promises. We have no reason to change our provider, as cooperation has gone so well,” says Säntti.