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HSL App Evolves into a Platform for Personalized Services – Digia and HSL Sign a 4 MEUR Agreement

The HSL app is one of the most popular mobile applications in Finland. HSL is developing the app towards increasingly personalized services in partnership with Digia.

In the future, the development team for HSL’s mobile app will include around ten people from Digia, including developers and architects. Digia was selected through a so-called mini-competition under a framework agreement. The most significant selection criterion was a team that met HSL’s needs and impressed with their professionalism. The contract is for six years and is valued at four million euros.

HSL’s goal is to steer society towards more sustainable mobility. In addition to comprehensive and functional connections, this goal requires easy and smooth transactions. Finding routes, purchasing tickets, and using public transportation in general must be so easy that more and more people choose sustainable ways to travel.

The HSL app plays a central role in this, as the majority of ticket sales now occur through it. Therefore, the continuous development of the app is critically important to HSL.

The development roadmap for the HSL app includes many interesting innovations both in the near future and in the longer term. According to the product vision, the HSL app will be a helpful and anticipatory travel companion in the future. It will enable effortless travel responsibly.

Jani Merimaa, Head of HSL’s Customer Channels Unit, sees personalization of the app as a key development area.

“We want users to be able to personalize the service and receive the best value from it in exchange for sharing their information. The goal is for users of the HSL app to feel they are winning by using the app actively, as it helps save effort, money, and the environment,” says Merimaa.

More information:

Jani Merimaa
Head of Unit, Customer Channels, HSL
tel. 040 566 2023

Maria Hintikka
Vice President, Digital Experience, Digia
tel. 040 750 7777

Digia is a software and service company that combines technological possibilities and human capabilities to build intelligent business, society and a sustainable future. Our mission is to ensure that our customers are at the forefront of digital evolution. There are more than 1,500 of us working at Digia and we operate globally with our international customers. Digia’s turnover in 2023 was EUR 192,1 million. The company is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki (DIGIA).