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Case Helkama-Auto
ERP Retail and wholesale

Case Helkama-Auto

Helkama-Auto, an importer of Škoda cars, spare parts and accessories, has used the Digia Enterprise ERP system since ...
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Case Etra

Case Etra

Digia Enterprise ERP has served as the heart of Etra’s operations since 2007. Etra has been actively involved in the ...
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Case Finnish Transport Agency
Public sector Monitoring and service management

Case Finnish Transport Agency

The Finnish Transport Agency needed a solution to monitor its systems and services to detect anomalies. The Digia Iiris ...
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Case Hedengren
ERP Retail and wholesale

Case Hedengren

The replacement of an ERP system may seem like a huge undertaking, but it’s worth the effort. Hedengren started its ERP ...
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Case Laurea
Public sector Microsoft CRM

Case Laurea

Laurea’s new partnership system might well be the only project of its kind in the world. A CRM system developed for ...
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Case Cloetta
Retail and wholesale Application development

Case Cloetta

Cloettalla oli tarve saada keikkaa tekevien henkilöiden asiakaskohtaiset tekemiset automatisoituun raportointiin. Digia ...
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Case Keslog
ERP Logistics

Case Keslog

Keslog, which handles the Kesko Group's logistics, sought to develop the monitoring of deliveries – but its existing ...
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Case Hankkija
Microsoft ERP Retail and wholesale

Case Hankkija

The change of ownership forced Hankkija to overhaul many of its functions, including its financial administration and ...
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Case Skandia
ERP Financial platforms

Case Skandia

Skandia Fonder wanted to replace its old fund shareholder system with an outsourced service which would adopt i.a. to ...
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