Disclosure policy
- Investors
- Digia as an investment
- Stock exchange releases
- Reports and presentations
- Financials
- Share
- Shareholders
- Governance
- IR service
Digia’s disclosure policy describes the key operating principles and practices concerning communication and investor relations that are applied when communicating with various capital market actors and the media.
Digia’s CEO and Board of Directors are together responsible for ensuring that Digia’s communication meets the requirements of the EU legislation, regulations issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority ESMA, the Finnish legislation, the rules of the Helsinki Stock Exchange and guidelines issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority FIN-FSA. Digia also complies with other communications recommendations for listed companies, such as the corporate governance codes of listed companies.
The disclosure policy is reviewed at regular intervals and changed if necessary. The person in charge of the disclosure policy is the company’s CEO. The disclosure policy is approved by Digia’s Board of Directors.
The principles and aims for Digia’s communication
Digia’s communication aims to ensure that all market participants have without delay simultaneous access to relevant and sufficient information needed for determining the prices of the company’s financial instruments. Information that is likely to have a significant effect on the prices of the company’s financial instruments are published to the capital markets and other key stakeholders at the same time and as early as possible.
The company’s objective is to continuously provide the markets with information that is consistent, reliable, sufficient and up to date in order to ensure that the capital market actors have as transparent and clear view as possible when assessing the company’s financial situation and the value of its financial instruments.